Dan Farina and Scotty Tilly competed in the Chi Sau torunament at the The Phoenix Wushu Nationals which took place on March 16-17.
Chi Sau is a reaction training exercise used in Wing Tsun Kung Fu. Partners are placed in close proximity to each other and "roll" their arms in an effort to attack the opponent while protecting themselves.
Dan had prevously competed at this event in Decmber 2022. Scotty made his Chi-Sau Debut. Both gentlemen prepared and represented Everybody Martial Arts well.
The Phoenix Wushu Nationals event is one of the largest martial arts events in the United States. According to its website, "Our goal is to create a fantastic experience for martial artists of all levels to compete in a fair and friendly environment; a place where they are able to share their passion with people who love martial arts just as much as they do."
At Everybody Martial Arts, our goal is to empower students to hone their skills to the best of their ability. Competition is not a requirement for Wing Tsun training, but you really do learn a lot about yourself in preparation as well as during the matches. We look forward to future events with the Phoenix Wushu Nationals!
If you are interested in learning more about Wing Tsun's Chi Sau contact us!